This Ram was made for my Father-in-law.



The following two pieces were entered in the 2009 Lane Fair.

This year I stepped up from the Amatuer class to the Professional class.

This is a compound bowl that consists of Purple Heart, Bloodwood, Yellow Heart, and Maple.

It took about a month to cut, sand, glue, cut again, sand again, glue again. Finally to turn.



This is a portait of Matthew Quigley from the movie "Quigley Down Under".

This is one of my wife's favorite movies and I made this for her.

The frame is old barn wood. The individual that sold me the wood said that the barn was built in 1904. The nails that came out of it are the old sqaure style and pretty much supports his dating. I took a few and trimmed them down and they are on the frame in original nails holes.

The picture with the frame is approximately 24" x 18" and weighs about 7 lbs.


This picture took 2nd place at the 2009 Lane County Fair



This picture I did for Savannah for Christmas this year. It is a Phoenix and Dragon in battle.

The wood is Jacoba, which is one of the hardest woods that there is. This particular piece was in our van when I hit a rock along the McKenize Hwy and blew a tire while returning from Bend. The only place I had to stop at was a soft shoulder. The jack sunk into the ground when I attempted to lift the van the first time, so I placed this wood under it. Then the van rolled forward off the jack. Finally the third time, with rocks blocking the other tires, I was able to jack the van up and change the tire. It never marred the wood.


This picture belongs to my daughter, Savannah. It is a true intarsia piece in the fact that it has 4 different typs of wood on the picture. I took a piece of Jotoba wood that was
6 feet in length. I chose this piece because of the grain that was runing right through the center of the wood length wise. I cut the wood in half and basically folded
it back on itself so that when it was reassembled the grain would enhance the overall picture.
It took first place in its class at the 2008 Lane County Fair.

This picture was created from a rough cut piece of, well, something. I just really liked the grain and the bark that was still there.
This piece took first place in its class also at the 2008 Lane County Fair.


This picture was done in the style of intarsia.
This version is done in a recessed style.


This is a Frog that I made for my Mom for Christmas 2007. It consists of approximately 100 pieces and is 12" x 15".

This picture took 2nd place at the 2009 Lane County Fair.



This is a chest that I worked on for friends. The basic chest was already completed, but I lined the inside with Cedar, created the frames specifically for this, and applied velvet to the inside of the lid. I also changed the handles on the sides, improved the chain, and added the hasp.

The hasp I found while working on the coast a year or so before. I impetuously stopped at one of those little tourist strip places out in the middle of nowhere and went into a shop that had nautical equipment. I found the hasp and picked it up not having any particular plans for it at the time. I never found a purpose for it until I worked in this chest.

Place your mouse over some of the images to see different views.




Place Mouse over image to see exploded view





Recently I started making signs for horse stalls.




Place Mouse over image to see back side



This barret is one of two matching pieces cut from the same piece of wood side-by-side.

Rebecca has one barret and her sister, Julia, has the other.



These 2 barrets were pieces of wood cut by our son, Samuel Ethan. He made the horse silhoutte completely with plans for it being his first barret. He planned, cut, sanded, and painted it himself.

The second piece was taken from another design that he originally cut with no design in mind, but only a desire to cheer his Mom up when she was confined to bed 2 years ago due to a back injury. Rebecca asked me to shape into a barret so that she could wear it and have it remind her of Samuel.


Place Mouse over image to see turned view

Bowl and Spindle turning is my newest endeavor. I have destroyed more bowls during the process of creating them than I have actually completed.
The upper left bowl is Tristan's. The upper right bowl is TJ's. The lower left bowl is Samuel Ethan's. The lower right bowl is Savannah's.